my life in a new city
ive talked a lot lately on social media (facebook, instagram and twitter) about how much money i save while shopping at target. today, i decided to show people exactly how much money you would save by shopping at target over walmart. Since walmart talks about how great their store brand products are i decided to show how target store brand is cheaper. and honestly, its better quality (look at the difference in the lunch meat Walmart brank looks like Spam, where target brand is real ham). there are two cases where walmart is either cheaper by a few cents or the same price but in the end, it is cheaper to shop at target. 

for the most part, target always has cartwheel coupons for the products i buy. but also, by having a RED CARD you save 5% off every time. i have the debit version. which means theres no extra charge. its linked to my checking account and is taken out of my account the same day (some stores it takes 2 days). for a while i always thought the RED CARD was just a credit card, but its NOT! they have a debit version and you get the exact same perks. its awesome

below is my shopping comparison of target and walmart. check it out. 

                                Target Total                                         Walmart Total 
                                     31.54$                                                     34.33$          
             tax (8.25%)  + 2.60$                            tax (8.25%)  + 2.83$
                                     34.14$                                                     37.16$
                                              Total Savings = 3.02$
even though it is just a few dollars, if you buy groceries once a week, you save 12.08$ for the month and 144.96 for the year! for me, a recent college graduate, with students loans to pay... thats a lot of money!

i hope this is an eye opener for some of you and you make the switch! of course im lucky here in texas where we have super targets so theres a larger variety of grocery options which also means prices can be cheaper. but for the majority of the products, they are the same price at regular targets.

*target prices reflect cartwheel coupon and 5% off with red card. 

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